Fine Arts and AHS Students Collaborate on Photo Project
When you step into the Universal Promenade of the Khan Annex, you cannot help but notice a colorful display of photos on the south wall. The display
resulted from a collaborative effort between students in the College of Applied Health Sciences and in the College of Fine and Applied Arts. The creative
project assigned them the task of highlighting depictions of health, aging, and disability in the Urbana-Champaign and campus communities. More than 15,000
photos were taken. Selected images are on display not only in the Khan Annex, but also in the lobby of the Division of General Studies.
The successful culmination of this project would not have been possible without the valuable assistance of Walter Wilson of the Krannert Art Museum, who
hung the photos, and Professor Linda Robbennolt of Fine and Applied Arts. Students in her Photography Workshop used their expertise and creativity to produce
an impressive array of photos. Special thanks go as well to Diana Arellano, Community Health '11, and Joanna Arellano, i-Health '11, for contributing content
expertise to the project.