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Meet Our Graduates

The College of Applied Health Sciences awarded more than 750 bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in 2013-2014. These are some of the students who participated in Convocation ceremonies in Huff Hall on May 17.

Nick Schwerin and Tyler Jackson

(L - R)
Nick Schwerin
B.S. Community Health, Health Planning and Administration
Going to Rush University in Chicago to earn a master’s degree in Health Systems Management

Tyler Jackson
B.S. Community Health, Health Planning and Administration
Joining Sinclair Consulting in Michigan

Lindsay Rohrsen, Victoria Rodriguez, and Melody Chang

(L – R) Lindsay Rohrsen
B.S. Kinesiology
Working this summer in a physical therapy clinic in Elgin

Victoria Rodriguez
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine to earn a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy

Melody Chang
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to Northwestern University in Chicago to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree

Erin Olson

Erin Olson
Ph.D. Kinesiology
Going to Harvard Medical School for a postdoctoral position in Gerontology

Stephanie Zaia and her dog Izzy

Stephanie Zaia and Izzy
B.S. Community Health, Health Education and Promotion/Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
Returning home to Massachusetts to conduct her job search

Entire MPH class

2014 Master of Public Health graduates

(L – R)
Megan Gaseor
B.S. Sports Management
Interning with Red Frog Events

Bre Jurs
B.S. Recreation Management
Interning with Red Frog Events

Paula Acuna

Paula Acuña
M.A. Speech-Language Pathology
Going to practice as a bilingual speech-language therapist in the Chicago area

Emeka Anaza

Emeka Anaza
Ph.D. Recreation, Sport and Tourism
Teaching in the Department of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

Amalia Megally and David Mena

(L – R)
Amalia Megally
B.S. Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Health Behavior Change
Going to graduate school for Physician Assistant degree

David Mena
B.S. Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Health Diversity
Going to South Africa for an internship at an AIDS hospital, followed by the master’s program in Global Health Systems at Johns Hopkins University

Elena Frydman and Yen Le

(L - R)
Elena Frydman
B.S. Community Health, Rehabilitation and Disability Studies/Health Education and Promotion
Staying at University of Illinois to earn a Master of Public Health degree

Yen Le
B.S. Community Health, Rehabilitation and Disability Studies/Health Planning and Administration
Going to Midwestern University in Downer’s Grove to earn a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy

Front Jacqueline O'Neill, Jessica Weinberg, Sara Connor BACK Kirsten Lindell, Jason Ofodile, Linsey Rock

(Front Row, L – R)
Jacqueline O’Neill
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to George Washington University in Washington, DC, to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree

Jessica Weinberg
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to New York University to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree

Sara Connor
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to Washington University in St. Louis to earn a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy

(Back Row, L – R)
Kirsten Lindell
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to Northwestern University in Chicago to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree

Jason Ofodile
B.S. Kinesiology
Going into the U.S. Army, through which he will earn his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree

Linsey Rock
B.S. Kinesiology
Going to Elon University in Elon, North Carolina, to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree

Gina Mulanthara and Daina Mathew

(L – R)
Gina Mulanthara
B.S. Community Health, Health Planning and Administration>
Joining Epic Healthcare in Madison, Wisconsin, as a consultant>

Daina Mathew
B.S. Community Health, Health Planning and Administration
Going to Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, to earn a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy

Ryan Cortez, Jenna Eaton, Karen Taylor

(L – R)
Ryan Cortez
B.S. Sport Management
Interning with Fighting Illini Sports Properties

Jenna Eaton
Sport Management
Interning with Champaign Park District

Karen Taylor
B.S. Recreation Management/Tourism Management
Interning with resort in the Bahamas

Amy Nellons and Ashley Hughes

(L – R)
Amy Nellons
Doctor of Audiology
Pursuing a career in clinical or private practice

Ashley Hughes
Doctor of Audiology
Pursuing a career in clinical practice and research

Carly Cook

Carly Cook
B.S. Recreation Management/Sport Management
Going to an internship with Disabled Sports USA, followed by graduate school

David Campbell and Krishna Martinez-Singh

(L – R)
David Campbell
Master of Public Health
Going on to medical school

Krishna Marinez-Singh
Master of Public Health
Going on to medical school

Fadya Salem

Fadya Salem
B.S. Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Health Diversity
Going to DePaul University College of Law

Matthew Montgomery

Matthew Montgomery
B.S. Kinesiology
Going on to Northwestern University in Chicago to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree

Walter Wilson and Ni Yonitika

(L – R)
Walter Wilson
B.S. Tourism Management
Going to an internship with Iverbe, a sports camp for children in Los Angeles, followed by graduate school

Ni Yonitika
B.S. Tourism Management
Going to an internship with Fluid Events before pursuing a career in events management

2014 SLP graduates

The 2014 class of graduates with the master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology

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